Talking Heads

A TV segment with just talking heads is a producer’s worst nightmare. Viewers will get bored quickly and change the channel, unless your guest is a mega movie star or big-name politician or best-selling author who they love. Even then, you need visuals to help make the segment more interesting. So no matter who or what you’re promoting think how you can make it visually appealing.

If you really want to hit a home run with a segment producer, here are the three options you should offer (all three are not necessary but will score you some extra points if available):

  1. Video: Being able to provide moving pictures is a HUGE plus. The video does not have to be professionally shot (though it definitely is preferred); it can be from a cell phone but the quality still has to be good. Not blurry, not grainy, not wiggling all over. If you want to really represent you or your product well, pay to have a video created. It will not break the bank and you’ll be able to use it for a variety of platforms, including a TV segment.
  2. Photos: If you don’t have video, this is the second best option. Provide as many photos as possible of the product, person or event. These don’t have to be professionally shot but same rules apply – clear and easy to identity who or what is happening.
  3. Fullscreen Graphics: If you have a lot of information to share about, let’s say, a financial topic – break it down into bullet points. Usually 3-4 fit on a graphic. The bullet point should be short and easy to read. For a segment, about 3 fullscreens would be the max.

When pitching your segment, mention very near the top of your email that you have visuals available. You will improve your chances immensely of getting a producer to read the rest of your pitch. Looking for visuals is a huge time suck for producers so providing them improves your chances immensely of getting your segment approved and on the air.