A dream of mine as a producer was to work on a long-form documentary. I got my chance in 2008 when I was hired by Towers Productions in Chicago to produce an episode of the popular Weather Channel show “When Weather Changed History.” My topic was sobering – the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. I spent months researching, interviewing and writing the hour long show. I traveled the country, talking with experts about atomic energy, World War II battles and the weather. But the interview that has stayed with me is the one I did with a survivor of the Nagasaki bombing. She shared her harrowing story – one minute playing outside with friends, the next being buried under her house that collapsed when the bomb exploded. She lost family and friends and saw unspeakable things. But yet, she had positive feelings for the United States. She had in fact married an American soldier and come to the U.S. to live. She hoped that by telling me her story, she would help convince people to never drop another bomb. I was humbled in her presence … a true honor to have interviewed her.